Poor/reduced Remote Desktop performance via VPN
Jul 12 at 09:00am BST
Our technical resolver teams have now implemented a workaround that should improve performance when accessing devices via Remote Desktop (and VPN). You may need to restart both your local and remote devices in order for them to pick up the policy change.
This issue is now resolved.
Affected services
UniDesk and AdminDesk
Jul 11 at 01:57pm BST
Our technical resolver teams have identified a potential workaround, and are working to get it implemented as soon as possible.
Affected services
UniDesk and AdminDesk
Jul 11 at 09:00am BST
We have identified an issue causing reduced performance when using remote desktop via VPN from off-site locations, and are currently investigating.
We will provide further updates as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience.
Affected services
UniDesk and AdminDesk