Previous incidents
VPN Authentication Problems
Resolved Sep 28 at 01:50pm BST
A workaround is now in place if you were experiencing authentication problems when connecting to VPN please try again, if you continue to experience problems please log a support request
1 previous update
Scala Building: No network connectivity (Wired and WiFi)
Resolved Sep 28 at 09:15am BST
Power has now been restored and both wired network and WiFi are now available.
2 previous updates
Moodle enrolment issue
Resolved Sep 22 at 01:32pm BST
This issue has now been resolved. If you are experiencing issues logging into Moodle, please contact the IT Service Desk.
1 previous update
Network issues (Wi-Fi) in 10 East (SoM)
Resolved Sep 22 at 01:08pm BST
We resolved the issue Monday morning at 10:00am.
1 previous update
Network issues reported in 10 East (School of Management)
Resolved Sep 13 at 11:39am BST
The issues with the Wi-Fi seem to have been fixed. We have monitored and no further issues are showing.
1 previous update
Teams Calling Currently Unavilable for Directly Dialled Numbers
Resolved Sep 05 at 01:05pm BST
We have identified the issue and it has now been resolved.
1 previous update
Moodle Accounts Unable to sign in.
Resolved Sep 05 at 08:58am BST
Moodle sign-ins are now back up and running.
SAMIS performance issues
Resolved Sep 04 at 12:51pm BST
SAMIS should be working again as normal, apologies for the inconvenience.
No Network in 2 West levels 3 and 4 Including the Parade Bar
Resolved Aug 31 at 09:36am BST
Issue Resolved, power has been restored
The wiki (Confluence) is currently unavailable
Resolved Mar 22 at 02:33pm GMT
The Wiki (Confluence) is now only available when connected to the University's VPN. For information regarding how to connect your device to the VPN, please visit:
9 previous updates
Issue affecting TOPdesk (source:
Resolved Aug 23 at 12:19pm BST
TOPdesk's Support Team have pinpointed the issue and implemented a fix. As a result of this, the performance of our TOPdesk environment appears to have stabilised. We will continue to monitor the situation.
3 previous updates
Issue affecting Online Surveys
Resolved Aug 16 at 04:48pm BST
JISC have found a fix for the issue with response submissions in Online Surveys. The platform is now functioning as usual.
We are monitoring the platform closely while continuing our investigation into what caused this issue, to try and protect against any possible reoccurrences.
We first became aware of a possible issue with response submission on Thursday 10 August. Our initial testing suggested this to be a one-off error affecting a single user. Unfortunately, the issue evolved and, ...
Network Outage in Student Residences. Conygre, Wolfson and Cotswold
Resolved Aug 14 at 10:46am BST
The network issues at Conygre, Wolfson and Cotswold residences have now been resolved.
2West Loss of network connectivity
Resolved Aug 11 at 11:19am BST
This issue has now been resolved.
1 previous update
Multiple Department of Life Sciences accounts closed due to an expired role
Resolved Jul 31 at 11:53am BST
This issue should now be resolved, with access restored for all affected users. We are sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused.
1 previous update
Issue affecting Teams desk phones (Yealink, etc)
Resolved Jul 27 at 01:09pm BST
This issue should now be resolved.
1 previous update
Issue affecting Agresso login
Resolved Jul 25 at 09:05am BST
The issue affecting logging in to Agresso web services has now been resolved.
3 previous updates